Covering a Presidential Election
Jane Dodson
William Penn High School
York, Pennsylvania
- Watch televised presidential debate, practicing note-taking skills
- Evaluate two candidates’ views on one teen-related issue
- Write two paragraphs comparing and contrasting the views
- Work in maestro groups to design a package.
Instruction & Activities:
Day 1
- Teacher instruction in note-taking technique – paper divided vertically, half for facts and half for direct quotes.
- View teacher-made videotape of two candidates’ views on one issue. (an example might include the federal debt)
- Students practice note-taking technique
- Review notes in pairs. Compare information captured, accuracy, completeness
- Choose topics. Example: Education, health care, taxes, welfare reform, college aid, economy, morality, national security
- Homework: Two weeks to complete
- View debate (supply dates, times, networks). Complete note-taking.
- Research candidates’ views in one print source (magazine or newspaper) and one Internet source.
Day 2 (2 weeks later)
- In small groups compare information with others who studied same issue.
- Review attributes and structure for comparison-contrast writing.
- Model writing assignment using federal debt issue.
- Homework: Write two paragraphs comparing and contrasting the candidates’ views on one issue. Show use of three sources through appropriate and adequate attribution. Complete in two days.
Day 3
- Maestro groups of four will discuss design ideas for package on candidates.
- Complete package planning sheet. Decisions: Art, photos, sidebars, layout
Day 4
- Pairs of students will conference about writings using coaching sheet.
- Homework: Revise and edit writing. Submit next day for evaluation.
- Best package idea designed and printed.
- Students will read complete package and vote based on candidates’ views.
- Editor will write the staff’s endorsement based on results of class election.
- Considerations:
- Will whole staff work on this project or just a group (i.e. first year students, second year students)?
- Do all students have access to watch or tape a debate? Teacher sensitivity important here. Teacher could tape all debates so they are available.
- Prior instruction in attribution and working in a maestro group
- Rubric assessment of writing – state holistic writing rubric maestro sheet from each group.