Day 2 Editing and Headlines lesson
Prepared by: Jami Williams, Mexico High School, Mexico, Missouri
Students will revisit the importance of copy-editing and will be introduced to headline writing.
- PowerPoint presentation
- Guided Writing Exercise
- Individual Learning Activity
- Level 1 (Proficient) application of the proofreading and AP Style as adopted by the class as a whole
- Level 1 (Basic) headline writing skills
- Headline PowerPoint Day 2
- Guided Writing Practice
- Make It A Headline collateral
- Something to offer as a prize (candy?)
Steps to check for student understanding
- Teacher will do frequent comprehension checks in the form of Classroom Assessment Techniques (thumbs up, thumbs down; exit slip in the form of post-it note summary)
- Suggested bell ringer: If your life, up to this point, was summed up in a headline, what would that headline be?
- Teacher will present PowerPoint.
- After PowerPoint, teacher will go through the examples in the Guided Writing and model writing headlines.
- After modeling and a classroom assessment technique to check for understanding, teacher will split the room into three groups.
- Each group will draw three of the Make It a Headline cards.
- Students will work together to generate headlines from the music titles, book titles or movie titles listed on the cards.
- The group will divulge whether their headline is a song, book title or movie.
- They will read their headline and each group will get the chance to guess the song, book or movie from the headline written. The group that guesses the most WINS!
- Teacher will distribute and go over the Individual Learning Activity with students.
- Exit slip: Which is most difficult, writing the headline or writing the lede? Explain your answer.