Videography and Capturing Audio Training
About this Lesson
The effective broadcast story brings viewers and listeners into the story to help them better understand the topic with context. Poor quality video and audio can significantly take away from what may otherwise be good journalism. Great quality video and audio, on the other hand, can make a story memorable and meaningful. By learning basic camera functions and deconstructing what makes a good video or audio story, journalists can elevate their news stories to have more impact.
What you will learn
After completing this unit, you should be able to:
- Name and understand basic camera functions and terminology
- Shoot properly formatted and creative video fitting current television and online video production standards
- Understand proper video editing techniques
- Identify how to capture quality audio
How the lesson works
First of all, this is an asynchronous lesson unit, which means no live events are scheduled for this lesson. You can complete learning activities at your own pace whenever is convenient for you. Despite the asynchronous nature, the learning tasks are organized to help you succeed.
To be successful in this unit, please complete the following tasks:
• Watch the lecture.
• Take the quiz to test your own understanding. This will help you to strengthen the concepts you just learned.
• Optional: Due to the amount of content to be covered in a single unit, we encourage you read these additional resources. Some of the quiz questions might come from the readings in Additional Resources section.
Watch the Lecture
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Take the Quiz
Direction: Some of the questions might from the readings in Additional Resources below
Click on the Launch button to start
Lesson Resources
Lecture Script: Download it here
Printable Quiz: Videography and Capturing Audio
ASNE Classroom Resources
Lessons and resource links: Videography and Capturing Audio
Additional Resources
Casey Frechette, Poynter, “9 Key Elements That Can Help Journalists be Better Video Storytellers”
Matt Pearl, Telling The Story Blog, “5 Lessons Learned from the NPPAs Best Video Stories of 2014”
National Press Photographers Association, TV Quarterly Clip Contest (Click on results on the left side of the page to view award winning videography)
Jay Allison, “Transom, The Basics”